CL Parchment 770 433 1

Why Ride ?

Why ride? …a question that horsemen have been trying to explain for thousands of years.  Professionals have a simple answer: to get the job done.  Before the industrial revolution,  horseback riding was the fastest means of transportation and for hauling.  Even the transition from horse to machine used the term horsepower to describe the rate of work being done in an understandable way.  Today there are still jobs that can only be accomplished, or that are more easily accomplished, from the back of a horse. 

But the industrial revolution has occurred.  We have machines for transportation and labor, so why ride?  Why do over six million horse owners spend the time and money to shelter, feed, train, provide welfare, groom, and ride horses?  The answer is…it depends.


Tim and his wife, Marilyn, have now owned up to 14 horses for more than 12 years. They provide their guests with the western riding experience at their guest ranch: Concho Hills Guest Ranch.  They experience hosting hundreds of riders perhaps they can help answer: Why Ride?

“Why Ride? It varies from individual to individual.  Most of our guests are looking for a deeper connection to nature and the land.  Many have seen cowboys on TV and want to give it a try.  They soon find out that there is a difference between going for a ride on a horse and riding a horse.  There is so much to know to ride independently off the trail.  The open range offers breathtaking scenery, and interesting flora and fauna.  One can get much closer to other animals when on a horse. But riding also presents potential obstacles like trees, holes, cacti, rocks, and arroyos. Riding safely in these environments demands situational awareness and riding skills, which one must acquire.  Some really like the technical aspect of riding and getting a large powerful animal to go and be, precisely where you want to be.  It also takes courage and “try.” It’s an experience that leaves you feeling empowered and connected to the land.   Western riding is unlocking a new skill, forming a bond with an animal, and discovering the inner cowboy spirit within yourself.”

While attempting to answer the question: Why Ride?, they discovered that no one has answered it better for them than that great western singer: Mr. Don Edwards.  Mr. Edward graciously gave Tim and Marilyn permission to add some pictures to his song as a slide show to help explain what us riders feel and believe when riding horses on the range.

Mr. Edwards’ music can be purchased on this website at: Don Edwards (

We hope you enjoy Ridin’